Working five days at the office is out and working from home is in!
Gone are the days of being squashed up like a sardine every morning as you take the train to work or being stuck in traffic for forty-five minutes when your office is only five miles away!
During the pandemic, remote and hybrid structures became popular as they allowed employees to continue working while remaining safe. Now, it seems like flexible working has become the new norm as more and more job seekers are making it their top priority when applying to new roles.
The question is, why is working from home becoming so popular?
In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of working from home and why it has become a quick favourite among employers and UK workforces.
Increased Productivity
When you work in an office, you aren’t in control of the working environment. Depending on where you work there could be loud music blasting through the speakers, a pair of chatterboxes sitting next to you or an extremely uncomfortable chair that you have to sit on for eight hours. These uncontrollable factors can be distracting and cause your productivity to falter. Nevertheless, when you work from home, you are in control and can create an environment which optimises your concentration and makes you feel comfortable.
Saving Time and Money
Every month, commuters are spending hundreds of pounds to get to work. Whether you are forking out money for train tickets or petrol, transport can be expensive and working from home is an extremely cost-effective solution!
In addition, commuting to work can be time-consuming. When working from home, rather than spending half an hour on a bus, you can use the extra time to prepare for a Monday morning meeting or get yourself organised for the day by going over your calendar.

Positive Mental Health Benefits
According to an NHS Staff Homeworking Survey Report, 43% of workers have reported that they experience less stress when working from home. The factors contributing to this statistic are:
Taking more regular breaks and not feeling pressured to work through their lunch breaks.
Not having to worry about taking public transport or finding a parking space.
More time to relax at the end of the day and switch off from work.
Being able to work in their comfort zone.
A Balanced Work-Life
Depending on the company, working from home can also come with increased flexibility to your workday, such as selecting the hours you work. This can be useful for employees who need to cater to their personal responsibilities, such as dropping their children off at school or running errands.
Remote working means that there are fewer geographical, socioeconomic and cultural restrictions, as employees won’t have to live locally in an office. As a result, companies who offer up remote roles will find that they benefit from a larger and more diverse talent pool.